Yu-Gi-Oh! – Saturdays at Gnome Games Green Bay East – $5

Saturday YuGiOh at Gnome Games Green Bay East
You asked and we’re offering it! Saturdays are also for Yu-Gi-Oh Dueling!
Yu-Gi-Oh! Win-A-Match Win-an-OTS pack!
Every Saturday starting at 12:00am.Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game Logo
$5 Entry per player.
Bring your favorite Advanced Constructed deck and battle it out over 3 rounds! Each match you win earns you an OTS pack!

Players that win no rounds will receive 1 OTS pack.

Each round we also give out a random OTS pack to a player as an additional prize for our players!

View the latest Forbidden & Limited list here: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/.
For information on some of the Yu-Gi-Oh products available for sale, try here: Yu-Gi-Oh! At Gnome Games