Dragon Ball Fusion World Raging Roar Prerelease Event at Gnome Games Green Bay East!
Come play in a 3-round Sealed Swiss Event! Players will construct a deck using 6 packs of the new set to compete! Each round players win they’ll get another pack of the new set! Players will get unique participation promos and one very lucky player will get a special Winner promo while supplies last!
Check out the set here!: Dragon Ball Fusion World Raging Roar
Check out the rest of our Fusion World Events Here!
Dragon Ball Fusion World Raging Roar Prerelease Event at Gnome Games Green Bay East!
Prerelease Event starts at 5pm on August 10th
Come play in a 3-round Sealed Swiss Event! Players will construct a deck using 6 packs of the new set to compete! Each round players win they’ll get another pack of the new set! Players will get unique participation promos and one very lucky player will get a special Winner promo while supplies last!
Check out the set here!: Dragon Ball Fusion World Raging Roar
Check out the rest of our Fusion World Events Here!
Dragon Ball Fusion World Raging Roar Prerelease Event at Appleton East!
Come play in a 3-round Sealed Swiss Event! Players will construct a deck using 6 packs of the new set to compete! Each round players win they’ll get another pack of the new set! Players will get unique participation promos and one very lucky player will get a special Winner promo while supplies last!
Check out the set here!: Dragon Ball Fusion World Raging Roar
Check out the rest of our Fusion World Events Here!