Welcome to Gnome Games’ Pokéween! We’re celebrating the holiday with all our Pokémon fans and friends!
All of the events, contests, and drawings require a POP ID for entry/participation.
We have multiple Surging Sparks prerelease events, with one on Saturday, October 26th starting the event! The second event is on Halloween itself! The Prerelease events are $30+tax and provide an opportunity to play with the newest set before it’s available for sale!
Starting on Saturday, October 26th we’re hosting a coloring contest! We have some special Pokéween themed coloring pages that will be available for Pokémon league attendees to pick up and return by 10/30, for judging on 10/31. We’ll be judging them in three categories based on being a Junior, Senior, or Master in Pokémon. Winners of the coloring contest will win a Pokémon standee!
Participation in a Pokémon League/Club or Prerelease event during Pokéween will get the participants a random Pokémon Promo item! (while supplies last)
Purchase of Pokémon product during a Pokémon League/Club or Prerelease event will get a Pokémon poster! (while supplies last)
During our Pokémon leagues/clubs we’ll have Pokémon Treat Bag creation as a craft on 10/26th, and on 10/31 we’ll have a special Pokémon Pumpkin craft!
Participating in these different events will also get you a ticket to win the Haunted Pokémon Village statue on 10/31! And on Halloween you’ll get some additional chances to get tickets by: making the papercraft Pokemon Pumpkin, coming in costume, playing in the Pokéween League with a card game or video game, and the Surging Sparks Prerelease event!