Duskmourn Open House Event! – Appleton East – $5

New and Old players welcome to the House of Horror at Gnome Games Appleton East!

We’ll be hosting our first Duskmourn Haunted Open House Event on Friday November 1st starting at 3:00pm! This Open house event is special however, as it marks the return of Welcome Decks! Its never been easier to get into Magic! New players will be able to come to the Open House event and be taught how to play Magic, given a Welcome Deck free of charge, and get a unique promo card! All while playing with other Magic players and learning more about the game!

Join the event through the MTGCompanion app using this code!:J4MNNWQ

To learn more about the Open Haunted House Event click here!: Open Haunted House Event

For more Duskmourn Events at Gnome click here!: Duskmourn events at Gnome