Digimon Secret Crisis Prerelease Event! – Appleton East – $30

Come play in the Secret Crisis Prerelease!

We’ll be hosting a 3 round Swiss Sealed event on Saturday August 3rd at 2:00pm and Sunday August 4th at 2:00 pm! Each round Tamers win they get an additional pack of the new set! Each Tamer gets one participation promo upon entry (while Supplies last) and the Winner gets a special promo card!

Entry is $30 and gets Tamers 6 packs of BT-17 to build a deck with!

For Digimon Sealed Rules click Here!

For more Digimon Events click Here!

And to see what Digimon has to say about the new set: https://world.digimoncard.com/products/pack/ver17/